The main symptoms of parasites in the body

apple and its uses against parasites

Symptoms of parasites in the body are different. Parasites are so adapted to life in the human body, making it their home, that a person simply does not notice them. However, at the same time, he is able to identify some other symptoms of widespread diseases, under which the protozoa are able to disguise themselves. These signs serve as indirect signals that "uninvited" guests have settled inside.

parasitic worm from the human body

Helminths and other microorganisms live, feed and multiply within the human body. They inhabit the skin, eyes, hair and other internal organs. And only such signs of the presence of parasites, such as constantly warned fatigue or obesity, can be proof that a person still has worms.

Science has reliably discovered more than 250 different types of worms that can inhabit not only the human intestine, but also the liver, lungs, heart, brain and other organs of the body. The data of medical statistics are inexorable: over 95% of the world population is infected with parasites. That is, any person is practically not considered an exception. Other research findings have shown that the source of 4/5 of all infections and cancer are toxins released during the vital activity of parasitic organisms. 15 million people worldwide die each year from infection with a parasitic infection, which ultimately kills them.

Therefore, doctors recommend cleaning from parasites to all people who have long-standing pathological processes and for whom traditional treatment does not help.

Common symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body

However, in order to approach the matter not unreasonably, it is worth knowing the symptoms of helminths:

  • weakness caused by anemia that cannot be treated with drugs;
  • a sharp exhaustion of the body, a feeling of constantly increasing hunger;
  • spontaneous weight gain, increased hunger, difficulty losing weight;
  • migraine and pain in the head of an unknown nature;
  • frequent diarrhea and constipation, which replace each other;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the phenomenon of a "nervous" stomach;
  • a feeling of constantly increasing heaviness on the right in the area of the hypochondrium;
  • joint pain (mistakenly confused with arthritis), muscle pain;
  • multiple skin defects: from acne to seborrhea, neurodermatitis, psoriasis;
  • reduced immunity, resulting in frequent colds and diseases of an infectious-viral nature, often signs of herpes;
  • allergic reactions of the body to various substances-allergens;
  • a nervous state accompanied by chronic fatigue appears due to insufficient absorption of valuable elements and vitamins A and B12 from food;
  • poor ability to work, instant fatigue, lethargy during physical and mental activity;
  • sleep disorders.

Symptoms of parasites in the body include heart disease and cancer.

Taken separately, a sign may not testify in favor of the presence of helminths and other protozoa in the body. If there are several on their list, you should definitely make sure of the presence / absence of worms by passing the diagnostics. And if they are still there, the body must immediately begin to cleanse itself.

Infestation with parasitic organisms can be defined as follows:

  1. Visually assess a person's appearance from the outside. On the outside, multiple pimples, freckles, acne, roughness and paleness of the skin, first facial wrinkles, spots, papillomas, peeling and rupture of the nail plate and heel cracks can be seen on the body. All these diseases of the external integument of the body are the result of the infection of the stomach and intestine tract with Trichomonas, Giardia and other protozoa. However, there is often a "bouquet" of them.
  2. When enterobiasis infection (pinworm infection) in a child, external manifestations can be observed such as: failure to grow, underdevelopment of the earlobes, shortened fingers (fingers are shorter than the length of the palm), the ring finger protrudes more than average, narrow forehead, sparse hair, their prolapse, unequal eyes. After examining your tongue and seeing a white coating on it, which is none other than Candida fungi, you can determine that the latter lines the walls of the intestines, esophagus and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The case of removing plaque from the tongue when brushing your teeth will not bring any results, so it is better to leave these attempts unsuccessful.
  3. Analyze the performance of the whole organism and identify any pathogenic factors it contains. Symptoms of damage to the female body: pain and inflammation in the ovaries, prolonged periods with severe pain and general weakness, failures (or shifts) in the timing of the menstrual cycle. Subsequently, fibroma, myoma, cystic fibrous mastopathy, inflammatory processes in the bladder, adrenal glands and kidneys subsequently replace each other.

Manifestations of the presence of parasitic infections among men: prostatitis and impotence, followed by adenoma, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder, cystitis. As a result of the infection, mental disorders are possible.

Diagnosis of parasites in the body

laboratory diagnosis of parasitosis

At the same time, a person's organism can be populated from a variety to several dozen microorganisms. Modern medicine has several methods for detecting the existence of protozoa in the human body.

  1. In a polyclinic, most often the presence is detected through the analysis of feces on the egg of worms. But the chances of this diagnostics in terms of effectiveness are very low, since it shows the result only in 15-17% of cases. Do other methods of diagnosing helminths.
  2. Histological coprogram. It involves studying, through the most powerful microscopes, a thin section of feces prepared with special techniques. With it, the particles of the bodies of parasites, their eggs with the larvae are clearly detected. It allows you to express an opinion on the type of worms found and choose the appropriate treatment option.
  3. Immunological (serological) examination allows you to determine the presence in the human body of antibodies and antigens to helminths as a result of a blood test. Diagnostics reveal a high effect only in the later stages of carrying a parasitic infection. Its results are reliable in only 60% of cases.
  4. Emoscanning. It represents the study of the structure of the blood by scanning a drop of "live" blood, which is magnified about 2000 times. With this method it is possible to evaluate the state of blood cells, for the presence of bacterial and fungal flora and worm larvae.
  5. Method of electroacupuncture. This method has been little studied in classical medical science. The study is carried out by means of special electrical devices and their electrical effects on the body.

Options for the treatment and cleansing of the body from infections

pills for parasites in the body

Conventionally, all anthelmintic drugs are divided into several groups: chemicals, herbal medicines and homeopathic remedies. Read more about each type of treatment separately.

  1. Chemical medicines. They are highly effective and give quick results in a month or two. But their toxic effect is noted not only on worms, but also on the human body. Among other things, parasites have learned to adapt to chemicals, so the effect may not be the same as expected. The destructive effect of a drug with a name is calculated only against one or two types of parasites. Chemical pills cause many complications and side effects.
  2. Medicinal herbs. Herbal collections or extracts from them. Due to them, a high concentration of plant poisons is obtained in the body, poorly tolerated by helminths. Therefore, the latter are forced to leave their "birthplace" - the human body. Through herbal preparations it is also possible to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. Safety for humans is guaranteed by them, while parasites have a very poor adaptation capacity towards them. The treatment period with herbal remedies for protozoa can last a month or even a year.
  3. Homeopathic preparations. The minimum time for treatment with homeopathic remedies has increased to three months. The maximum treatment period is one year. Effectiveness is determined by the qualifications of the doctor, his ability to correctly select the remedy. Even small flaws in the treatment regimen can yield zero results.

Popular method of getting rid of parasitic infections

The predominant treatment for parasites by folk methods is the use of herbs with bitterness and antimicrobial action.

In particular, these include roots of tansy, wormwood, celandine, elecampane.

The first stage of treatment consists in taking herbal medicines with bitterness, which create unsuitable living conditions for the simplest. Such pesticide drugs from plants can be used for a long time without harming the body.

The next stage is the intake of immunomodulators and plant agents that restore the balance of vitamins with trace elements that normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.

There are enough recipes among people from worms.

Before being treated, you need to consult a doctor.

Since some herbs can provoke the development of intoxication of the body.